From the woods to the table, Venison shows you how to get
the most from the deer you take and how to cook it perfectly. Be the
star hunter and star chef at every dinner and cookout!
Written and photographed by the team behind Slay to Gourmet, a
Minneapolis-based catering service specializing in wild game,
Venison takes readers through author, chef, and outdoorsman Jonathon
Wipfli's technique for quickly and efficiently processing a deer, as
well as a raft of contemporary recipes for venison dishes and
accompanying sides.
Wipfli describes and illustrates the breakdown of a deer, focusing on
the fronts, middles, and rears before proceeding to more
specific cuts like sirloins, shanks, ribs, loins,
roasts, sausage scraps, and more. Whether the reader has been
hunting for two years or for thirty, there's a good chance they've never
approached processing by muscle groups. Venison demystifies them
and in the process shows the value of individual cuts and how to
maximize one's quarry.
More than 50 recipes for venison and accompanying accoutrements and
sides are beautifully photographed and presented. The result is a
venison book like no other, sure to appeal to those new hunters as well
as veteran outdoorspeople.