This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the pests of stored
foodstuffs of all types on a worldwide basis, and as a broad reference
text. It is aimed at being complementary to the more detailed and more
specific texts that are listed in the References. It does presuppose an
adequate basic knowledge of entomology and zoology in the user. The
stored products mentioned in the text are commercial products in the
widest sense, including all types of plant and animal materials in
addition to grain and prepared foodstuffs. Storage is viewed very
broadly, from one day on a shelf to several years in a silo, or
refrigerated store at -20°C. In many publications the produce surveyed
has been restricted to stored grains, because of their obvious
importance to human society, and because of the great quantities
involved. For many different materials, of both plant and animal origin,
there is a shortage of specific information, but it is to be hoped that
this situation will gradually be rectified. It should be clearly
understood that any reference to animal pests is made in the strict
zoological sense, and refers to any members of the Kingdom Animalia.
There is a regrettable tendency in some circles to use the term 'animal'
as being synonymous with 'mammal' - a habit to be deplored! There is
definite emphasis on animal pests in this text, but micro-organisms are
included where relevant.