This textbook provides both the theoretical and concrete foundations
needed to fully develop, implement, and manage a Food Fraud Prevention
Strategy. The scope of focus includes all types of fraud (from
adulterant-substances to stolen goods to counterfeits) and all types of
products (from ingredients through to finished goods at retail).
There are now broad, harmonized, and thorough regulatory and standard
certification requirements for the food manufacturers, suppliers, and
retailers. These requirements create a need for a more focused and
systematic approach to understanding the root cause, conducting
vulnerability assessments, and organizing and implementing a Food Fraud
Prevention Strategy. A major step in the harmonizing and sharing of best
practices was the 2018 industry-wide standards and certification
requirements in the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) endorsed Food
Safety Management Systems (e.g., BRC, FSSC, IFS, & SQF). Addressing food
fraud is now NOT optional - requirements include implementing a Food
Fraud Vulnerability Assessment and a Food Fraud Prevention Strategy for
all types of fraud and for all products.
The overall prevention strategy presented in this book begins with the
basic requirements and expands through the criminology root cause
analysis to the final resource-allocation decision-making based on the
COSO principle of Enterprise Risk Management/ ERM. The focus on the root
cause expands from detection and catching bad guys to the application of
foundational criminology concepts that reduce the overall vulnerability.
The concepts are integrated into a fully integrated and inter-connected
management system that utilizes the Food Fraud Prevention Cycle (FFPC)
that starts with a pre-filter or Food Fraud Initial Screening (FFIS).
This is a comprehensive and all-encompassing textbook that takes an
interdisciplinary approach to the most basic and most challenging
questions of how to start, what to do, how much is enough, and how to
measure success.