The success can't be bought but we can achieve it. for achieving we
have to pay price for this, success wants hard work, it's wanted
patience, it wants to sacrifice, it will give you first sorrow, insult,
and a lot of pain which you have to wear then only success it will come
to you and hold your hand but still it's not permanent it's only rented
for you, if you want to hold its hand permanently then you should have
some characteristic, you have some great habit with the help of that
only you can be able to were it, I am here to give the secret of that
hidden knowledge which you should know and you are deserving it. Because
you have born to get success, you have born to achieved your life
We all came on earth to complete some tasks but due to unawareness, we
have forgotten our real-life purpose. The real purpose of our life is to
be happy and make others happy but it's not easy. Our society has made
some rules and regulations that is continuously trying to take our
happiness and success and are ready to give us pain and sorrow. If a
person is strong physically and mentally and has wealth and power then
only, he can stand as well he can help others.
This book is for those who really want to be strong physically as well
as mentally, and wants wealth and power, want success and happiness.