Open up and get sunny as f*ck
Let the light shine down on you with Monica Sweeney's You Are My
F*cking Sunshine! In this cheerfully irreverent journal, each page is
an opportunity to cast out negative energy, welcome positivity, and
appreciate some f*cking brightness in the world around you.
With a healthy sprinkling of profanity and a rainbow of opportunities
for reflection, this journal offers space to vent, muse, and practice
gratitude in a way that's all your own. Show some love to all the happy
sh*t that brings you levity, recognize what doesn't, and bask in a
sunny glow of goodness with You Are My F*cking Sunshine.
- Get inspired as f*ck with a peppy, down-to-earth approach to
- Delightfully impolite journaling ideas let you be you
- Feel those warm rays of positivity even when it's cloudy as f*ck