Since ancient times, humankind has known the soothing and purifying
power of music. Today, we too often forget the unifying spirituality of
sound, allowing it to clutter our lives but never hearing its true and
transcendental beauty. Here, the renowned Agni Deva offers traditional
chants not as accompaniment to life but as a pathway to holiness. In
speaking the name of God, one finds God incarnate in sound and brings
the light of God into the world. The many names of gods in Vedic
literature each represent a path to liberation, if one is able to utter
them with consciousness and dedication. Yoga of Sound is an invitation
and portal into a vast, beautiful world of traditional song to be
listened to, not merely heard. It includes a CD of traditional kitrans
and an introduction by Patrick Bernard, the creator of Sublime
Relaxation and author of The Secret Music of the Soul.