Millions of people use Microsoft Word every day and, chances are, you're
one of them. Like most Word users, you've attained a certain level of
proficiency--enough to get by, with a few extra tricks and tips--but
don't get the opportunity to probe much further into the real power of
Word. And Word is so rich in features that regardless of your level of
expertise, there's always more to master. If you've ever wanted a quick
answer to a nagging question or had the thought that there must be a
better way, then this second edition of Word Pocket Guide is just what
you need.Updated for Word 2003, this compact book covers Microsoft
Word's keyboard shortcuts, user interface, commands, and tasks.
Following an overview of fundamental Word concepts, the guide explains
how to accomplish specific tasks, such as formatting, spelling, editing,
printing, customizing, and more. It also provides reference tables so
you can quickly zoom in on the information you need, like keyboard
shortcuts, regular expressions, and common file locations. This handy
little book makes a perfect quick reference when you want to complete
tasks faster without having to plow through a thousand-page
tutorial.Word Pocket Guide, Second Edition is ideal for those making
the move to Word 2003. In addition, it covers Word 2002, 2000, and 97.
The book includes:
- A brief explanation of how Word works behind the scenes
- An extensive guide section for common tasks as well as little-known
- Reference tables for keyboard shortcuts, regular expressions, and
common file locations
If you're a Word power user, help desk staff, or anyone who wants to use
advanced shortcuts or solve problems, Word Pocket Guide, Second
Edition is a must-have.