Situated at the crossroads of gender studies, narratology, and cultural
studies, this book investigates the impact that the demographic and
cultural revolutions of the last century have had on Italian womens'
life courses. The chronological focus of this study is the 1990s, a
decade located at the end of a century deeply marked by womens' search
for identity, their growth as historical subjects, and the demographic
explosion of older women in Italy's population. The authors critical
response is directed toward sensitizing readers of Italian womens
fiction to a life-course perspective and guiding their responses to the
age-based constructions that pervade the Italian cultural imaginary. Her
assumption is that age consciousness affects narrative strategies; the
critical questions and concerns that she addresses are incentives and
guidelines to age-conscious reading and literary criticism. The study is
divided into two parts that represent an ideal progression from contexts
to texts. In the first par, the author traces changes in the
representations of womens aging bodies during different phases of
Italian history. The age-related cultural discourses she discusses in
the first part of the book are in dialogue with the aging scenarios
presented in the novels analyzed in the second part.