Twenty-three stories about how ordinary girls with very different
passions have become extraordinary women and made significant
contributions to our world
Women look to other women as role models and for inspiration. Seeing
confidence, leadership, and accomplishments in other women helps a young
woman envision herself with those qualities. Women and GIS: Mapping
Their Stories tells the tales of how 23 women applied themselves and
overcame obstacles, using maps, analysis, and geographic information
systems (GIS) to contribute to their professions and the world. Sharing
the experiences of their childhoods, the misstarts and challenges they
faced, and the lessons they learned, each story is a celebration of a
woman's unique path and of the perseverance and hard work it takes to
achieve success.
From oceanographers to activists, archaeologists to entrepreneurs, the
women in Women and GIS: Mapping Their Stories can serve as mentors to
motivate readers who are developing their own life stories and inspire
their potential in a new way.