English summary: What do a mailbox, Bethlehem, an address book and a
shop window have in common? They can all be the answer to the question
'Where?' This year's calendar looks out for places such as these, for
places that do or could play a role during advent, the Christmas season
or the New Year. The 37 contributions portray the season in the form of
thoughts, poems, prayers and short stories. Whether in a snow flurry, in
an exchange of glances, from within the heart or through the sense of
smell, in words themselves or in memories, this calendar takes us to
real and everyday and also to rather surprising places. The Forum fur
Zeitfragen (forum for current affairs) was founded in 1993 as the
Evangelical Reformed Church's centre for further education and
information in the city of Basel. Since then, it has been a regular
venue for lectures, panel discussions, courses etc. in the fields of
current affairs, theology and culture, personal development and
spirituality. An additional point of focus has been individual
counseling sessions for both women and men. German description: Was
haben ein Postfach, Betlehem, ein Adressbuch und ein Schaufenster
gemeinsam? Sie alle konnen eine Antwort auf die Frage Wo? sein. Der
diesjahrige Kalender fragt nach eben solchen Orten, nach Orten, die im
Advent, in der Weihnachtszeit oder zum Jahreswechsel eine Rolle spielen
oder spielen konnten. Die 37 Beitrage verorten den Zeitraum in Gedanken,
Gedichten, Gebeten und Kurzgeschichten. Ob im Schneegestober, im
Blickwechsel, im Herzen oder in der Nase, in den Worten selbst oder in
Erinnerungen: Ausser zu erwartenden, ganz konkreten Schauplatzen fuhrt
der Adventskalender zu ganz uberraschenden Orten.