Competition for top talent is a battle. Win the war.
There isn't an organization out there that hasn't struggled to fill open
positions with the best people possible. And once you have them, how do
you keep them? Winning the War for Talent addresses the challenges of
today's job market and reveals how your organization can adapt in order
to recruit, retain, and develop your employees.
Recruiting is no longer as easy as posting jobs on a job board and
waiting for the resumes to pile in. Starting with creating a
sales-minded HR team, Chris Czarnik, creator of the groundbreaking Human
Search Engine process that serves job seekers and a twenty-year veteran
of HR and operations management, lays out the foundation for making your
company the one people want to work for.
Retaining your top talent once you have them is easy, right? Not
quite. Czarnik identifies the primary reasons great employees leave and
how you can prevent that from happening at your company.
Developing employees is all about empowering them to own their
career paths. You'll get an actionable plan to keep your employees
invested in their growth.
From small business owners to global corporations, Winning the War for
Talent is a step-by-step guide for building and keeping the best team