The West African Sahel is the transition zone between the Saharadesert
in the north of Africa and the more humid Sudanian zones in the south.
Although diverse in many ways, the Sahelian countries have the common
problem of a fragile agricultural sector. This predicament is mainly
caused by low inherent soil fertility, limited and unpredictable
rainfall, frequent droughts, and wind erosion that accelerates soil
degradation and desertification, compounded by To assure food production
in the future, means rapidly growing populations. of declining soil
fertility and increasing must be found to offset the trends soil
degradation through wind erosion. This is a challenge for agricultural
research. Since 1985, the Special Research Program 308 'Adapted Farming
in West Africa' at the UniversityofHohenheimin collaboration with the
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
(ICRISAT) in Niger, has pursued the developmentof agricultural
innovations for smallholder farmers in one of the most ecologically
fragile regions of the world. The prevention of soil degradation, the
restoration and maintenance of soil fertility, and the increase of land
and labor productivity are key objectives of this multidisci- plinary
research program. From the beginning, a major focus of research has been
wind erosion.