The main purpose of the book is exploring the problems existing with
WiMAX cryptographic suit.Book explains the basics of WiMAX and then
explains security mechanism of WiMAX MAC layer. Next it explores the
Study of authentication and authorization mechanism, functioning in
WiMAX IEEE 802.16e using specially designed simulator. In the remaining
portion of the book flaws of existing WiMAX cryptographic suit and its
solutions are discussed. We designed a special simulator to test our
proof that 3DES can replace DES with very minimum changes in
cryptographic suit. Introduction of a new and lightweight encryption
algorithm MAES in the parallel of AES in the cryptographic suit, to
facilitate user of WiMAX having efficient multimedia encryption, is
another main purpose of the book. The book also explains the Testing of
light weight and efficient MAES on different datasets of text and
images. In the last we have mentioned some new research points, which
can help the researchers to generate new ideas.