Synopsis: Almost everyone has an opinion about Jesus, be it conscious or
unconscious, rational or irrational. But what do you make of him? And
why do you believe what you believe about Jesus? Graham McFarlane
characteristically comes from an original angle in this stimulating
book. He encourages you not only to acknowledge what you believe about
Jesus, but to ask yourself why you believe it. This highly accessible
and thought-provoking book is part of the Theological Foundations
series, which explores the main tenets of Christianity at a popular
level. It is humorously illustrated, anecdotal, clear, and concise,
whilst allowing you to contemplate your faith and arrive at an informed
and objective opinion. Author Biography: Graham McFarlane is Lecturer in
Systematic Theology at London Bible College. He is the author of Christ
and the Spirit: The Doctrine of Incarnation according to Edward Irving,
and in the same series as this title, Why Do You Believe What You
Believe About the Holy Spirit?