In 1956, together with his research group, the anthropologist Gregory
Bateson published a theory that was to revolutionize the way of
conceiving mental illness. Over the years, the central concept of this
theory, the double bind, proved effective in an increasing number of
fields of knowledge: from the theory of communication to epistemology,
from sociology to pedagogy, from literature to philosophy. Through an
examination of the inception and development of this concept, the book
retraces the main themes, connections and critical points that mark the
whole of Bateson's multifaceted research: from the early ethnographic
surveys in New Guinea through to the ecological ideas of his later
years, including the cybernetic reflections, his studies of human and
animal communication, his work in the psychiatric field. This analysis
of the double bind theory, originally formulated as a hypothesis to
explain schizophrenia, is not only a guide to the work of one of the
most unpredictable and original thinkers of the last century, but also
gives access to essential theoretical tools for bringing into focus a
number of increasingly persistent contemporary problems.