The Irish monsters of Halloween have returned...
The scare in Halloween is gone from Middle America. With its
celebrity-obsessed culture preferring glitter, pirates, and princesses,
Keith and Benny MacCool's frightening haunted house attraction isn't
what it used to be. When the few remaining Halloween enthusiasts in town
start turning up dead, the MacCools unearth the source of the problem:
something has awakened from Halloween's distant past. The Celtic
monsters and legends of old Ireland have discovered modern man has
dumbed-down every tradition that once protected mortals on the scariest
night of the year. And they have plans this Halloween.But Keith and
Benny have survived a lifetime of personal demons and possess insider
knowledge of every Halloween fright ever devised. When the sun sets on
October 31st, the MacCools are the only ones who can confront the Celtic
horrors not witnessed in 2000 years. Things are about to get