Whatsaid Serif, Nathaniel Mackey's third book of poems, is comprised of
installments 16 through 53 of Song of the Andoumboulou, an ongoing
serial work whose first fifteen installments appear in Eroding Witness
and School of Udhra, his two previous books. Named after a Dogon funeral
song whose raspy tonalities prelude rebirth, Song of the Andoumboulou
has from its inception tracked interweavings of lore and lived
apprehension, advancing this weave as its own sort of rasp. These twenty
new installments evoke the what-sayer of Kalapalo storying practice as a
figure for the rough texture of such interweaving. Mackey has suggested
that the Andoumboulon, a failed, earlier form of human being in Dogon
cosmology are a "rough draft of human being, " that "the Andoumboulou
are in fact us; we're the rough draft." The song is of possibility, yet
to be fulfilled, aspiration's putative angel itself.