Digital transformation is not about technology--it's about change.
In the rapidly changing digital economy, you can't succeed by merely
tweaking management practices that led to past success. And yet, while
many leaders and managers recognize the threat from digital--and the
potential opportunity--they lack a common language and compelling
framework to help them assess it and guide them in responding. They
don't know how to think about their digital business model.
In this concise, practical book, MIT digital research leaders Peter
Weill and Stephanie Woerner provide a powerful yet straightforward
framework that has been field-tested globally with dozens of senior
management teams. Based on years of study at the MIT Center for
Information Systems Research (CISR), the authors find that digitization
is moving companies' business models on two dimensions: from value
chains to digital ecosystems, and from a fuzzy understanding of the
needs of end customers to a sharper one. Looking at these dimensions in
combination results in four distinct business models, each with
different capabilities. The book then sets out six driving questions, in
separate chapters, that help managers and executives clarify where they
are currently in an increasingly digital business landscape and
highlight what's needed to move toward a higher-value digital business
Filled with straightforward self-assessments, motivating examples, and
sharp financial analyses of where profits are made, this smart book will
help you tackle the threats, leverage the opportunities, and create
winning digital strategies.