How does a polar bear pooping on a rug turn into a lesson on Alzheimer's
behaviors of paranoia and hallucinations? Or a pregnant aunt turn into a
lesson about long-term care decisions? The innocent dialogue and
anecdotes the author has recorded for years between her and her
grandchildren serve as introductions--and lessons learned--to managing
the daily responsibilities in Alzheimer's care. These poignant stories
and insightful perspectives from the author serve as a fresh approach in
understanding the disease. Thought-provoking, humorous, and endearing,
the content in the chapters will have you experiencing the journey of
Alzheimer's disease in a most light-hearted and non-threatening way, so
much so that you will hardly realize how much knowledge and skills you
are acquiring along the way. From understanding the components of the
disease, to discovering various ways to communicate, to coping with
difficult behavioral expressions; from weaving through all the emotions
experienced by the caregiver, to understanding person-centered care, to
the importance of social engagement, and much, much more, this book is a
vital and very handy resource for all those affected by Alzheimer's