Leave lethargy behind, shed excess weight, and get clear, glowing skin!
Detox regimens can be expensive, lengthy, and difficult to follow--and
often don't deliver the results you want. Now, health expert and author
Michelle Schoffro Cook offers a fresh approach to purifying your body:
spa-style weekends to have you looking and feeling great in just days!
These mini-detoxes help you to reset your natural body chemistry and
improve organ function for overall health. First, Dr. Cook's quiz helps
you pinpoint which areas need attention. You can then choose from six
targeted tune-up plans--from the Love Your Liver weekend to the Fat
Blast Weekend, you'll be able to address your specific concerns. Each
Weekend Wonder Detox plan features:
Meal plans and shopping lists based on delicious, toxin-busting
Easy recipes for hearty salads, protein-rich meals, and detox-promoting
Gentle herbal remedies and system-balancing spa treatments
Strategies to establish healthful habits in your everyday life
No matter how busy your schedule or how stressful your life, you'll look
forward to your next Weekend Wonder Detox.