Building "Web 2.0"/Ajax" applications is all the rage right now, and
there is a lot of complicated code involved, but a lot of budding web
developers don't realize that most of the hard work is already done for
them, and available on the Web, through JavaScript libraries to provide
most of that Ajax/DOM Scripting functionality out of the box,
Application programming interfaces (APIs, ) and hosting services such as
Flickr and YouTube to provide all they need to easily store and retrieve
their media (be it images, video, or whatever.)
All the developer needs to know is enough to successfully wire together
all this functionality successfully and responsibly, and this book shows
you how. It assumes no knowledge at the start, showing how to set up an
effective development environment, then moving on to building up a
complete professional "Ajaxy"/"Web 2.0" site step by step, all using
ready made functionality available on the web, including storing,
retrieving, and displaying content, images and video, and effective site
navigation, all topped off with a beautiful CSS layout.
But it doesn't stop here. The reader is also shown how to promote their
content to attract visitors to their site, and how to find a hosting
The techniques contained within this book are becoming increasing more
in demand by aspiring and existing web developers, all wanting to be a
part of the new generation of the web.