In the spring of 1971, Reinier Tirnrnan visited the University of
Delaware during which time he gave a series of lectures on water waves
from which these notes grew. Those of us privi- leged to be present
during that time will never forget the experience. Rein Tirnrnan is not
easily forgotten. His seemingly inexhaustible energy completely
overwhelmed us. Who could forget the numbing effect of a succession of
long wine filled evenings of lively conversation on literature,
politics, education, you name it, followed early the next day by the
appearance of the apparently totally refreshed red haired giant eager to
discuss our mathematical problems with keen insight en remarkable
understanding, ready to lecture on fluid mechanics or optimal control
theory or a host of other subjects and ready to work into the evening
until the cycle repeated. He thought faster, he knew more, he drank more
and he slept less than any of us mortals and he literally wore us out.
What a rare privilege indeed to have participated in this intellectual
orgy. Tirnrnan's lively interest in almost every- thing coupled with his
buoyant enthusiasm and infectious op- timism epitomized his approach to
life. No delicate nibbling at the fringes, he wanted every morsel of
every course. In these times of narrow specialization truly renaissance
figures are, if not extinct, at least a highly endangered species. But
Tirnrnan was one of that rare breed.