Explore modern waste heat recovery technology across a variety of
In Waste Heat Recovery in Process Industries, esteemed thermal
engineer Hussam Jouhara delivers an organized and comprehensive
exploration of waste heat recovery systems with a focus on industrial
applications in different temperature ranges. The author describes
various waste heat recovery systems, like heat exchangers, waste heat
boilers, air preheaters, direct electrical conversion devices, and
thermal storage.
The book also offers discussions of the technologies and applications
relevant to different temperature ranges present in industrial settings
along with revealing case studies from various industries. Waste Heat
Recovery in Process Industries examines a variety of industries, from
steel to ceramics, chemicals, and food, and how plants operating in
these sectors can use waste heat to improve their energy efficiency,
reduce energy costs, and minimize their carbon footprint.
The book also offers:
- A thorough introduction to waste heat recovery systems, including
recuperative and regenerative burners, heat exchangers, waste heat
boilers, air preheaters, and heat pumps
- Comprehensive explorations of low temperature applications, below
100°C, including advantages and drawbacks, as well as illustrative
case studies
- Practical discussions of medium temperature applications, between
100°C and 400°C, including case studies
- In-depth examination of high temperature applications, above 400°C,
including several case studies
Perfect for chemical, mechanical, process, and power engineers, Waste
Heat Recovery in Process Industries is also an ideal resource for
professionals working in the chemical, metal processing, pharmaceutical,
and food industries.