The high-quality rock strata of the Peak District area of England is a
major source of limestone products that have long been transported away
in railway wagons. Over the years, many different designs of hoppers,
open boxes, covered hoppers and powder tank wagons have been used around
the Buxton area. The construction boom of the last decade has seen an
increase in railfreight traffic in the area. This book illustrates the
different types of wagons that have been used on freight flows from the
Peak District both past and present. Featured here are private owner,
leased, and railway-owned wagons that serve the four main rail-served
quarries. Some wagons still operate on the same traffic flows, while
others have seen converted or new wagons introduced over the past twenty
years. With a terrific selection of photographs each accompanied by an
informative caption, Paul Harrison explores the variety of wagons that
can be found on the railways of the Peak District.