The present voLume describes the chemicaL behavior of eLementaL tungsten
toward the non- metaLlic eLements nitrogen to arsenic (i.e., N, F, CL,
Sr, I, S, Se, Te, Po, S, C, Si, P, and As). The description of the
chemicaL behavior starts with information on the phase diagrams wh ich
aLLow an overview of the existing stabLe compounds. The major part of
the information in this voLume is about the kinds of products, the
experimentaL conditions, as weLL as the kinetics and thermodynamics of
their formation. Short descriptions of buLk diffusion in binary systems
compLement the kinetic data on the mostLy diffusion-controLLed
reactions. Pure surface phenomena on tungsten are not considered. A
Large chapter is devoted to the comprehensiveLy studied chemicaL
processes and trans- port processes in tungsten-haLogen Lamps. Product
formation in the tungsten-carbon and tungsten-silicon systems is aLso of
speciaL interest in view of possibLe appLications. The present voLume
concLudes the series of voLumes devoted to the chemicaL behavior of
eLementaL tungsten. Interactions and reactions with nobLe gases,
hydrogen, and oxygen are covered in "Wolfram" Erg.-Sd. S 1. Interactions
and reactions with metaLlic eLements are described in "Tungsten" SuppL.
VoL. A 6a (eLements antimony to barium) and in "Tungsten" SuppL. VoL. A
6 b (eLements zinc to actinides).