This book contains info about organic molecules, compounds, amino acids,
proteins and minerals as it pertains to nutrition. It helps to alleviate
the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. Food is medicine as well as
sustenance. A vitamin is an organic molecule that is essential
micronutrient. Vitamins, minerals and nine essential amino acids: It is
important to eat a good balance of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The human body needs about 13
vitamins, more than 20 minerals and 20 amino acids to stay healthy. The
human body during digestion, breaks down all kinds of food into amino
acids and then assembles needed proteins from amino acids. If you do not
get proper mixture of food some proteins cannot be assembled, and all
the food used in incomplete proteins will be wasted. Some of them can be
changed to fat and stored for later use.