This is the third major publication on Viaia faba reporting proceedings
of seminars organised through the Commission of the European Communities
in the context of the EEC Common Research Programme on Plant Protein
Improvement. The previous two volumes report proceedings from the
seminars in Bari in 1978 (Some current research on Vida faba in Western
Europe) and in Cambridge in 1979 (Vicia faba: Feeding value, processing
and viruses) - The theme of this seminar, held in Wageningen on 24th -
26th June, was selected to examine various aspects of plant physiology,
especially in relation to their potential contribu- tion to plant
breeding. Areas identified for discussion included those to elucidate
particular responses of the plant to the environment and, in the broader
concept, an examination of the combined responses of ideotypes required
to exploit fully the range of environments in which Viaia faba is grown.
Increased pea breeding in Europe in recent years justified an assessment
of the projected progress of the crop for dry seed production and two
papers were invited on this topic. Participants visited Cebeco at
Lelystad where, after hearing of the involvement in field beans and
peas, the advanced selections in field plots were examined and
discussed. On the same day visits were also made to the SVP experimental
farm and to the CABO experimental farm at de Eest, to discuss the plant
breeding/physiology experiments on field beans and peas. The seminar was
organised by Dr. G. Dantuma and Ir. R.J.