Colourless glass, deliberately decolorized with manganese or antimony,
became prominent between the middle of the 1st century AD and the
beginning of the 4th century. This book reflects the diversity of glass
objects (tableware, containers and small objects) and is designed as a
practical manual divided into three parts. The first presents contexts
in which colourless glass has been found; the second, in the form of
index cards, is a typological catalogue which gives an overall picture
of the colourless glassware found throughout Gaul; glass is highly
useful as a dating tool but also tells us much about the economic,
social and cultural aspects of its time. Chemical analyses form the
third component. The volume of material gathered in this book makes it
an indispensable working tool for researchers and students interested in
the glassware of Roman antiquity. u Le verre incolore, volontairement
decolore au manganese ou a l'antimoine, est celui qui est le plus
souvent utilise entre le milieu du Ier s. apr. J.-C. et le debut du IVe
s. Verres incolores de L'antiquite romaine en Gaule et aux marges de la
Gaule rend compte de la diversite de ce mobilier (vaisselle, contenants
et petits objets) est concu comme un manuel pratique divise en trois
parties. La premiere presente des contextes renfermant du verre
incolore; la seconde, sous forme de fiches, est un catalogue typologique
qui livre une image globale de la verrerie incolore decouverte dans
l'ensemble de la Gaule. Outil de datation, le verre nous informe aussi
sur les aspects economiques, sociaux et culturels de son epoque. Les
analyses chimiques forment le troisieme volet. La masse documentaire
reunie dans cet ouvrage en fait un instrument de travail indispensable
aux chercheurs et etudiants qui s'interessent au verre de l'Antiquite