By 1988 the Handbook of Vegetation Science is well on its way to
completion. With 7 volumes in circulation, 3 volumes in the press, and
most of the remaining volumes in preparation it appears that the total
task can be completed in the early 'nineties. I am especially thankful
to Professor Symoens for accepting the task of editing the volume on
aquatic vegetation. The main emphasis of work in phytosociology is
devoted to land plants, yet the landscape analysis remains incomplete
without the consideration of rivers and lakes. Avolume on inland aquatic
vegetation must therefore be most helpful to the land vegetation analyst
and not only to the specialist on aquatic vegetation. Professor Symoens
succeeded in drafting the most competent team for his task. I am sure
that all colleagues working in vegetation analysis will be grateful to
them that they have taken the time and energy to complete their
chapters. Handbook articles are not easy to write and certainly not easy
to edit. in the landscape are treated. The The major aquatic components
vegetation analysts will welcome the fact that certain physiological and
ecological processes of water plants are covered for which otherwise
they would have to consult the limnological literature. This volume,
together with the forthcoming volume on wetlands, should completely
cover the inland aquatic vegetation problematic.