The first edition (in German) had the prevailing character of a textbook
owing to the choice of material and the manner of its presentation. This
second (translated, revised, and extended) edition, however, includes in
its new parts considerably more recent and advanced results and thus
goes partially beyond the textbook level. We should emphasize here that
the primary intentions of this book are to provide (so far as possible
given the restrictions of space) a selfcontained presentation of some
modern developments in the direct methods of the cal- culus of
variations in applied mathematics and mathematical physics from a
unified point of view and to link it to the traditional approach. These
modern developments are, according to our background and interests: (i)
Thomas-Fermi theory and related theories, and (ii) global systems of
semilinear elliptic partial-differential equations and the existence of
weak solutions and their regularity. Although the direct method in the
calculus of variations can naturally be considered part of nonlinear
functional analysis, we have not tried to present our material in this
way. Some recent books on nonlinear functional analysis in this spirit
are those by K. Deimling (Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Springer,
Berlin Heidelberg 1985) and E. Zeidler (Nonlinear Functional Analysis
and Its Applications, Vols. 1-4; Springer, New York 1986-1990).