Usability has become increasingly important as an essential part of the
design and development of software and systems for all sectors of
society, business, industry, government and education, as well as a
topic of research. Today, we can safely say that, in many parts of the
world, information technology and communications is or is becoming a
central force in revolutionising the way that we all live and how our
societies function. IFIP's mission states clearly that it "encourages
and assists in the development, exploitation and application of
information technology for the benefit of all people". The question that
must be considered now is how much attention has been given to the
usability of the IT-based systems that we use in our work and daily
lives. There is much evidence to indicate that the real interests and
needs of people have not yet been embraced in a substantial way by IT
decision- makers and when developing and implementing the IT systems
that shape our lives, both as private individuals and at work. But some
headway has been made. Three years ago, the IFIP Technical Committee on
Human- Computer Interaction (IFIP TC13) gave the subject of usability
its top priority for future work in advancing HCI within the
international community. This Usability Stream of the IFIP World
Computer Congress is a result of this initiative. It provides a showcase
on usability involving some practical business solutions and
experiences, and some research findings.