This volume was our first anthology of fiction (2001)and included work
by writers who had been published in the Botsotso literary journal. The
themes reflect the turmoil of the 1980's and the new issues raised in
the 90's. Maropodi Mapalakanye's stories focus on the political-military
struggle against apartheid with an emphasis on the deadly 'twists of
fate' that insurrection spawns with regard to the need to resist and its
collateral damage to oppressed people. Peter Rule deals with more
personal issues such as the anguish of rape and homophobic violence, the
devastation of AIDS and the trauma of surviving police interrogation.
Zachariah Rapola brings a surreal and tragic touch to stories about
lonely misfits in Alexandria, Joburg's oldest African township. Michael
Vines, on the other hand, writes about arty white suburban youth whose
alienation is just as acute despite their wealthier environment.
Phaswane Mpe's stories all foreshadow his novel Welcome to our Hillbrow
which also deals with student life in Johannesburg and the ramifications
of the Aids epidemic. Lastly, Kolski Horwitz touches on both the general
political landscape of decolonization and internal corruption within the
liberation movements as well as the shifting tides of sexual behaviour.