Understanding World Regional Geography (UWRG) is a course designed
to teach students to think and apply geographic concepts long after the
course is over. Author Erin Fouberg draws from her expertise in
geography education and research in student learning to create a product
that has a strong pedagogical framework designed to engage students and
deepen their understanding of the world by having them "DO" Geography.
UWRG includes features that help students learn to read cultural and
physical landscapes, ask geographic questions, apply geographic
concepts, and make connections. It integrates 25 threshold concepts and
teaches students how geographers apply these concepts and asks them to
apply these concepts themselves. This enables them to grasp the
complexities of the world and provides them with the knowledge and
thinking skills necessary to understanding it. UWRG is the first
introductory course to integrate ESRI ArcGIS Online thematic maps,
enabling students to engage with course materials, see patterns, and
answer geographic questions.