inside sadness is glory / if you see it right way round, / find the
seam, reverse it to perspectivize, / unwind light, joy's unravelling
spoolInspired by mystical traditions, birdwatching, tree planting,
ethics, neuropsychology, and quantum physics, Gabrielle McIntire's poems
draw us in with their passionate attention to what it means to be human
in a still-wondrous natural environment.Touching on human frailty, the
eternal, and the ecological with a delicate and evocative brush, Unbound
enacts an almost prayerful attentiveness to the earth's creatures and
landscapes while it offers both mournful and humorous treatments of love
and loss. McIntire's finely tuned musical voice - with its incantatory
rhythms, rhymes, sound play, and entrancing double meanings - invites us
to be courageously open to the unexpected.Unbound stirs us to
re-evaluate our place amidst the astonishing beauty and wisdom of an
Earth facing the early stages of climate change.