Revision with unchanged content. "What should I perform?" This book is
to serve as a study guide of twenty-five works for the dramatic soprano
voice with orchestra. Criteria used for inclusion include range,
tessitura, orchestral scoring, dramatic intensity, and cultural
diversity. There are examples of works dating from 1787 through 2004,
and include song cycles, monoperas, monodramas, scena and arias,
symphonic rhapsodies, cantatas, symphonic cycles, and lyric tragedies.
Adhering to the basic requirement of the piece being suitable for the
dramatic soprano voice, the chosen works are eclectic in language,
style, ethnic origin, and musical period. A cursory definition of the
dramatic soprano voice and its rise in operatic history is included.
Information is provided for each listing, including a brief biographical
sketch of the composer and the work's history and lyrics. This book is
addressed to all professionals in the performing arts as well as
specifically to dramatic sopranos, conductors, composers, and lovers of
extraordinary and compelling vocal/orchestral works. It is also directed
toward professors and educators in music, voice, orchestra, theatre, and
their students.