In Southeast Asia reversals of earlier agrarian reforms have rolled back
"land-to-the-tiller" policies created in the wake of Cold War-era
revolutions. This trend, marked by increased land concentration and the
promotion of export-oriented agribusiness at the expense of smallholder
farmers, exposes the convergence of capitalist relations and state
agendas that expand territorial control within and across national
borders. Turning Land into Capital examines the contradictions
produced by superimposing twenty-first-century neoliberal projects onto
diverse landscapes etched by decades of war and state socialism.
Chapters in the book explore geopolitics, legacies of colonialism,
ideologies of development, and strategies to achieve land justice in
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. The resulting picture
reveals the place-specific interactions of state and market ideologies,
regional geopolitics, and local elites in concentrating control over