It is now more than twenty years since a proposal was first mooted to
hold an international tunnelling symposium in Britain. At the time of
the first symposium, held in London in 1976, the Channel Tunnel pro-
ject had just been shelved. Last weekend a charity walk was held in the
finished tunnel, which will be open for business later in the year.
Tunnels have figured prominently, and at times spectacularly, in the
development of national and international links and it is hoped that
such links gather pace in the future. It is particularly pleasing that
Alastair Biggart of Storebrelt has agreed to deliver the twenty-sixth
Sir Julius Wernher Memorial Lecture of the Institution of Mining and
Metallurgy, entitled 'The changing face of tunnelling', at the start of
this event. * Although almost every edition of the technical journals
on tunnelling reports another £1 billion scheme somewhere in the world,
it would be unfair of me to suggest that tunnelling is restricted to
these prestigious schemes for major transport links. Much of the work
that makes mod- ern life possible receives hardly a mention outside the
technical press and one suspects that society at large applies the 'out
of sight, out of mind' attitude even more readily to underground
construction than it does to other forms of engineering. Clearly, there
is a contiiming need to improve the capacity and performance of our
infrastructure, while hav- ing a careful regard for the environment.