The international tsunami symposium convened by the Tsunami Commission
of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics was held during May
25-28, 1981 at Send ai, Of un a to and Kamaishi, North East Honshu,
Japan. This symposium was organized by the Japanese National Committee
for the Organization of International Tsunami Symposium, 1981. The
opening and closing ceremonies of the symposium were held at Sendai and
Kamaishi, respectively, and eight sessions at Sendai and two sessions at
Of una to were arranged. About 140 scientists and engineers including
accompanied persons from ten countries participated to make the
symposium a great success. In all, 55 papers were submitted prior to the
opening of the symposium, of which 54 papers being orally presented,
were arranged in ten sessions: Tsunami source and earthquake, warning
system Tsunami waves and spectra Tsunami potential estimation
Theoretical arguments on tsunami waves Tsunami generation and numerical
simulation of historical tsunamis Harbor oscillations by long waves and
tsunamis (1) Tsunami run up Mitigation of tsunami hazards and
socio-economic effects Harbor oscillations by long waves and tsunamis
(2) Historical study of tsunamis. Besides, two special popular lectures
were provided for about 800 citizens in the Sanriku coastal area at Of
una to Nokyo Kaikan, where the 1960 Chilean tsunami caused great
destructive damages. The title of the first lecture was on the 1960
Chilean Earthquake and Tsunami by Dr.