Daniel Asa Rose was a successful novelist, memoirist, book critic, and
columnist for the New York Times Magazine, Esquire, and others, when
the top blew off his domestic life. His wife of sixteen years wanted
out. Before he could slip into depression, doubt, and self-loathing,
Dan's lifelong friend Tony made an irresistible proposition: go back to
the place where, forty years earlier, their college road trip had come
to a crashing halt, T-boned by a woman in the decidedly oddball little
town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.
Dan and Tony return to the scene of the crash in an effort to make sense
of that fateful moment. He's certain that if he can locate the woman in
whose arms he almost died, he will find the self he lost and make peace
with his life choices since. Dan moves into a single-wide trailer four
blocks from the crash. Over the next eight months, inexplicable
encounters make him fall in love with the New Mexico desert and the
wiggy place that embraces him.