In this seventh volume of his collected essays, Professor Gombrich pays
tribute to a variety of illustrious figures, to whom we owe the ideas
and values that are woven into the fabric of our intellectual life. His
bicentennial address on the humanities delivered at the American Academy
of Arts and Science is followed by in-depth studies of such momentous
figures as G E Lessing, G F Hegel, Lord Leverhulme, Sigmund Freud, Aby
Warburg and Otto Kurz.
The established author explains that he wanted to introduce such a
varied selection of scholars and critics to the non-specialist reader,
so as to bring to life the nature and value of branches of learning that
are in danger of being squeezed out of higher education. His argument is
dynamic and sincere, his writing dextrous and subtle.
An essential volume for the scholar and amateur alike, Tributes is a
book to which the reader will return, time and time again.