Robert Louis Stevenson verkis Trezorinsulo en 1880 aŭ 1881, komencinte
ĝin en Braemar, Skotlando, kie lia patro helpis per ideoj ĉerpitaj el la
propraj maristaj spertoj. Ĝi estis finita dum lia dua vizito al Davos en
la vintro de 1881-1882. Trezorinsulo, kiu aperis kiam la aŭtoro estis
31-jara, estis lia unua longa romantika rakonto, kaj havigis al li unuan
guston de populara sukceso tiam, kiam la romano estis eldonita
libroforme. En oktobro 1881 ĉi tiu rakonto komencis aperi kiel serio en
angla gazeto nomita Young Folks (Junaj Personoj). La titolo tiutempe
estis The Sea Cook, or Treasure Island (La Markuiristo, aŭ
Trezorinsulo), sed kiam ĝi eldoniĝis libroforme en majo 1883, la nomo
estis simple Trezorinsulo. La traduko en Esperanto estas farita de
Grace Kirkwood, kaj aperis en 1977. -- It was in 1880 and 1881 that
Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island, which was begun at
Braemar, Scotland, where his father aided him with suggestions from his
own seafaring experiences. It was finished in the course of his second
visit to Davos in the winter of 1881-1882. Treasure Island, which
appeared when the author was thirty-one, was his first long romance, and
it brought to him his first taste of popular success, when the story was
published in book form. It was in October 1881, that this story began to
appear as a serial in an English magazine called Young Folks. The
title then was The Sea Cook, or Treasure Island, but when published in
book form in May 1883, the name was simply Treasure Island, a name
which has taken its place among the titles of far older classics. This
edition contains the superb illustrations of Louis Rhead, which he
published in 1915. The Esperanto translation is by Grace Kirkland, and
appeared in 1977.