From October 10 to 12, 1991 the Second International Conference on
Trends in Astroparticle-Physics took place at Aachen, Germany. The
meeting was the second in a series that started in 1990 at UCLA. It was
attended by about 100 physicists from allover the world and covered the
interface of elementary particles and astrophysics. Topics covered
included Neutrino-Telescopes in preparation, high energy gamma ray
physics, but also new ideas for future detectors. detectors, cosmology
and particle Many people have worked hard on the preparation for the
meeting and deserve many thanks, in particular D. Rein, L. Sehgal, U.
Berson, G. Wurm, C. Wiebusch, C. Ley, and U. Braun. Representing the
conference secretariat, I. Goidie, U. Packbier, and L. Jenckins were of
great help. We also would like to thank the Stadtsparkasse Aachen, in
particular Mr. Fischer, Mrs Cremers and Direktor Schwind for their
support and providing the meeting facilities as well as making possible
in parallel a public exhibition on the topic of the conference. Very
special thanks goes to H. Geller, without whom this conference could not
have taken place. Last but not least we wish to thank the speakers for
taking their time in preparing their talks and presenting their results,
making this publication possible.