The General Council of the International Society of Neuro- pathology
enthusiastically and unanimously endorsed the sug- gestion made by the
Executive Committee----chaired by Professor Dr. Franz Seitelberger,
Vienna-for the IXth International Congress of Neuropathology that one of
the major symposia at that Congress should be on Trauma and Regeneration
of the Central Nervous System. The reasons for this are not difficult to
understand: non-missile head injury and its sequelae-often a permanently
brain damaged young adult-is one of the major problems that has faced
society for many decades, and is continuing to do so since relatively
little progress appears to ha ve been roade in its prevention; and the
hope is that experimentalists may be able to shed some light at least on
the potential for regeneration in the central nervous system. These
proceedings are the outcome of that very successful symposium held in
Vienna in September 1982. The Society is most grateful to Allgemeine
Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA), Vienna, for their sponsorship. Ofthe
faur major presentations, two were on the subject of non- missile head
injury in man and experimental animals, and two dealt with recent
developments in the field of regeneration. The former review the
clinical features and their structural hasis and establish that all of
the major types ofbrain damage seen in man as a result of a non-missile
head injury ha ve now been reproduced by controlled angular acceleration
of the head in subhuman primates without anything striking the head.