This volume aims to provide an overview of some recent developments of
mathematical kinetic theory focused on its application in modelling
complex systems in various ?elds of applied sciences. Mathematical
kinetic theory is essentially based on the Boltzmann eq- tion, which
describes the evolution, possibly far from equilibrium, of a class of
particles modelled as point masses. The equation de?nes the evolution in
time and space of the distribution function over the possible
microscopic states of the test particle, classically position and
velocity. The test particle is subject to pair collisions with the ?eld
particles. The interested reader can ?nd in the book, Theory and
Application of the Boltzmann Equation, by C. Cercignani, R. Illner, and
M. Pulvirenti, Springer, Heidelberg, 1993, all necessary knowledge of
the physics and mathematical topics related to this celebrated model of
non-equilibrium statistical mech- ics. Another important model of
mathematical kinetic theory is the Vlasov equation, where interactions
between particles are not speci?cally collisions, but mean ?eld actions
of the ?eld particles over the test particle. The model de?nes again an
evolution equation for the one-particle distribution function over the
microscopic state of the test particle. The two models brie?y mentioned
above can be regarded as the fun- mental models of mathematical kinetic
theory and the essential background o?ered from the kinetic theory for
classical particles towards the modelling of large systems of several
particles undergoing non classical interactions.