Transcendental Metaphysics a.k.a. Technovedanta 2.0 is at the junction
where science and technology meet spirit in the light of the
"Technological Singularity". It is written for people with a scientific
or philosophical orientation and with an interest in (eastern)
spirituality. The book aims to explore the concept of consciousness as
the foundation of being and to provide a complete theoretical and
technological digital framework to integrate all possible knowledge of
matter, mind, information and mysticism without contradictions. Its
basic tenet is that Panpsychism and Pancomputationalism are not
contradictory notions, but two sides of the same coin that constitutes
existence. The book also aims to show the limits of logic and science
and furthermore aims to rid people of their self-inflicted belief
systems. In fact, the book is an epistemological quest showing how
philosophy, religion, logic and science fail to provide reliable
knowledge and are speculative at best.