The General Assemblies of the International Astronomical Union are
landmarks in the life of the world-wide astronomical community, as they
review, at triennial intervals, the progress made in this scientific
field, promulgate the most spect- acular astronomical achievements,
formulate scientific programmes for the years to come and, last but not
least, deal with the administration and finances of the IAU. The Reports
on Astronomy 1976, published as Transactions XVIA (in 3 volumes) before
the XVlth General Assembly, are a synopsis of the work done in astronomy
from 1973 to 1975. The volume "Highlights of Astronomy, as presented at
the XVlth General As- sembly of the IAU in Grenoble, 1976" includes some
selected scientific topics, and will appear in the first half of 1977.
Apart from the Invited Discourses and the Proceedings of the seven Joint
Discussions, the Highlights volume No.4 con- tairsthe proceedings of two
Joint Commissions Meetings.