This volume contains papers presented at a NATO Advanced Re- search
Workshop Programme entitled "Trace element speciation in sur- face
waters and its ecological implications", held in Nervi (Genoa), Italy
from November 2-4, 1981. It was co-sponsored by the Scientific Affairs
Division of NATO, in conjunction with its Eco-Sciences Panel, and by the
Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia. The organizing
expenses and the expenses of the chairman and all in- vited participants
were provided by the North Atlantic Treaty Organ- ization. The
scientific programme was planned by Dr. G.G. Leppard (Chief Organizer,
Canada) together with Dr. O. Ravera (Eco-Sciences Panel, Italy), Dr. R.
Mayer (Eco-Sciences Panel, Germany), Dr. R. Baudo (Chairman of the Local
Organizing Committee, Italy), Dr. H. Muntau (Secretary of the Local
Organizing Committee, Italy), and Dr. R. de Bernardi (President
A.I.O.L., Italy). The final programme established by Dr. G.G. Leppard
was based on one suggested by the NATO Eco-Sciences Panel and developed
by Drs. R. Baudo, H. Muntau and O. Ravera.