The eld of wireless sensor networks continues to evolve and grow in both
practical and research domains. More and more wireless sensor networks
are being used to gather information in real life applications. It is
common to see how this technology is being applied in irrigation
systems, intelligent buildings, bridges, security mec- nisms,
militaryoperations, transportation-relatedapplications,
etc.Atthesametime, new developments in hardware, software, and
communication technologies are - panding these possibilities. As in any
other technology, research brings new dev- opments and re nements and
continuous improvements of current approaches that push the technology
even further. Looking toward the future, the technology seems even more
promising in two directions. First, a few years from now more powerful
wireless sensor devices will be available, and wireless sensor networks
will have applicability in an endless number of scenarios, as they will
be able to handle traf c loads not possible today, make more
computations, store more data, and live longer because of better energy
sources. Second, a few years from now, the opposite scenario might also
be possible. The availability of very constrained, nanotechnology-made
wireless sensor devices will bring a whole new world of applications, as
they will be able to operate in - vironments and places unimaginable
today. These two scenarios, at the same time, will both bring new
research challenges that are always welcome to research