The cutting edges on engineering tools must lie at precise angles to
ensure effective cutting, and sharpening must recreate the original
geometry of each tool. This book provides an understanding of what is
involved in sharpening typical lathe, milling, drilling and threading
tools. With over 550 photographs and illustrations this new book covers
sharpening techniques for the most commonly used engineering tools,
screwdrivers and gravers, lathe, milling, reaming, drilling and
threading cutters. It identifies the two principal types of workhead,
and discusses the ways in which their geometry affects typical
sharpening setups. It teaches how to use the three basic movements of
swing, tilt and rotate to position a tool against a grinding wheel to
ensure correct tool angles and sharp cutting edges. Contains useful
tables for setting cutting and clearance angles and provides general
advice on tool and cutter grinders, and includes examples of the use of
workholders to suit a range of tools. Includes information on abrasive
materials and the types and shapes of grinding wheel suitable for use on
a tool and cutter grinder. Finally, it shows photos of accessories that
can be made to simplify setups, including workheads, toolholders and
fixtures used to hold circular saws, parting tools and dies, as well as
an angle gauge to quickly set clearance angles on reamers and milling