Más de 45 mil ejemplares vendidos.
El problema de buscar la verdad es encontrarla y no saber qué hacer con
Una novela que cambiará tu forma de ver el mundo
Querido lector,
Tienes en tus manos una novela que plantea preguntas difíciles de
responder; una novela que habla sobre esas verdades que, a pesar de
buscar, preferiríamos no encontrar. No puedo explicarte de qué trata
este libro porque eso rompería su magia, pero te aseguro que, cuando
acabes de leerlo, verás el mundo de forma distinta.
The problem with searching for the truth is finding it and then not
knowing what to do with it.
A novel that will change the way you look at the world.
Dear reader,
You have in your hands a novel that bring up questions difficult to
answer; a novel that talks about those truths that, despite looking for
them, we would prefer not to find them. I can't explain what this book
is about because it would ruin the magic, but I assure you that when you
finish reading it, you'll see the world in a whole different light.